Kicking Cancer’s Butt X
Registration Opens Monday April 29th at 9am
Saturday June 22nd
At Carleton University
Ottawa Footy Sevens will be hosting the 10th annual Kicking Cancer’s Butt charity tournament on Saturday June 22nd 2019 at Carleton University. The tournament is a fundraiser for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation and as always EVERY PENNY OF EVERY TEAM FEE OR DONATION GOES STRAIGHT TO THE OTTAWA REGIONAL CANCER FOUNDATION. Over the last 9 years the event has raised over $103,000 for the ORCF.
The tournament is a one day 7-a-side coed soccer tournament. Like last year’s tournament the tournament will be divided into competitive and recreational sections.
Team Registration
Team Registration will open on MONDAY APRIL 30th.
The minimum donation per team is $275 and every team will play a minimum of 3 games.
Teams register for the tournament at the Ottawa Footy Sevens Website and will receive their details of how to make their online donation directly to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation by e-mail within 24 hours of registering their team. Please do not make your donation before receiving the instructions as it it can become difficult to track which teams donations belong to.
Individual Registration
If you are interested in joining the tournament as an individual, e-mail chris@ottawafootysevens.com
Details and registration
For registration please go to the Ottawa Footy Sevens Website any time from April 9th onward.
If you have any questions e-mail please Chris at chris@ottawafootysevens.com