As a goalkeeper, regardless of whether you are more Gigi Buffon or “dodgy buffoon”, a clean sheet is undoubtedly the holy grail that all goalies strive for.
We spotted this . . . ehm . . . unusual . . . field line configuration that had been put on the soccer fields at Greenboro Park in the south end of the city. The inspired idea of having the goals 5 or 6 yards outside of the field of play should finally allow even the most limited of goalies to live the dream*.
Vive la revolution! Vive la goalie!
*Sorry goalies, we did think of adopting a similar set-up for our summer leagues, but the other 6 players on the field are people too. If you are not TOO disappointed, you can still find details and registration for all of our summer leagues over at Ottawa Footy Sevens Website or by dropping us an e-mail.