We were down at Carlton University a couple of nights’ ago checking out the brand new lighting system for the Raven Road Field. The turf and field layout on Raven Road Field is fantastic, but the old lighting system definitely wasn’t up to the same standard. Carleton have installed a brand new LED light system over the winter and the difference is (almost literally) night and day. Check it out the next time your are playing at CU and let us know what you think.
We can’t wait to get kicked off on May 1st and there’s already 170 teams registered at Carleton. if you want to join us for “Friday Night Lights” we still have a few spaces available in our Men’s and Coed Leagues on Friday evenings. Unfortunately our Monday, Wednesday and Sunday evening leagues are already sold out, but we’ve managed to secure some additional time on Sunday afternoons to open up a couple of additional spaces in our Coed and Men’s Sunday Afternoon Leagues.
We’ve also got our Friday night 11-aside league running over at Ottawa University’s Matt Anthony Field and elsewhere at the city we’ve got a full range of indoor alternatives at the Louis Riel, Hornet’s Nest and Ben Franklin Domes from Monday to Thursday.
For full details, pricing, information and registration go to the Ottawa Footy Sevens Website or drop us an e-mail.
And don’t forget that we have mixed 4s and 2s beach volleyball leagues starting also starting in May at our fantastic central SPPC location and mixed indoor volleyball and coed ball hockey leagues taking place at Carleton. For volleyball and ball hockey information head over to the Volley Sixes website.
All of our leagues at all venues begin in May 2016 and you can secure your team space with a $250 deposit.